Using a .LC Domain Name
What is an email account?
An email account allows you to send and receive electronic mail messages through an application that is either located online or on your computer.
Do I need to sign up for an email account to receive email at my new domain name?
Yes. In order to receive email at your domain name, you must sign up for email services in conjunction with your domain name. For information on signing up for email accounts, please request website hosting services from Nic.LC or your Internet Service or Web Hosting Provider.
Is an email account included with my domain name registration?
No. For information on signing up for email accounts, please request website hosting services from Nic.LC or your Internet Service or Web Hosting Provider.
Where can I sign up for an email account for my new domain name?
For information on signing up for email accounts, please request website hosting services from Nic.LC or your Internet Service or Web Hosting Provider.
What is an MX Record?
An MX Record, or Mail Exchange record, is a section of a domain name's zone file (a Name Server entry for a domain name) whose entries specify the mail server(s) responsible for email services for a specific domain name.
An MX Record contains the following:
- The name of the mail server(s) that will handle email for the domain name
- The priority setting for the mail server(s)
How do I change my MX record settings to specify the mail servers that will be responsible for email distribution for my domain name?
MX Record entries specify the Email Servers that are responsible for distributing email for your domain name. Therefore, when you contract email services from a provider, you must change the MX Record entries for your domain name accordingly.
What is a Web site?
A Web site is a location on the Internet, accessible to all connected users, which stores files that comprise what users see when they connect to that location with a Web browser.
What is Web Hosting?
Web Hosting provides you with space on a Web server, connected to the Internet, where the files that that display your web site are stored.
Is Web Hosting included with my domain name registration?
Web Hosting is not included in your registration. However, you can request web hosting from Nic.LC for additional monthly fees. Please contact us directly if you require hosting services.
For more information on available Web Hosting services, please contact Nic.LC or consult your web hosting company or ISP.
Where can I sign up for Web Hosting services for my domain name?
Once you have registered your new domain name and are ready to contract web hosting services in order to publish a Web site, you will need to find a hosting plan that is appropriate for your needs. Nic.LC, an ISP or web hosting company can provide the following:
- An IP Address to a web server on which you can publish or upload your web site
- Domain Name Server (DNS) Services
- Email Services
- Web Design Services
Each ISP or Web Hosting company will differ in terms of services and price.
For more information on available web hosting services, please contact Nic.LC or consult your Web Hosting company or ISP.
How do I change the DNS servers listed as authoritative for my domain name to Name Servers administered by my Web Hosting company?
Often, Web Hosting companies and ISP's will request that you change the DNS Information for your domain name so that they can manage and make necessary zone file modifications for your domain name; i.e., connecting your domain name to a Web site they may be hosting for you or setting your domain name's mail routing options.
In the event that your Web Hosting company or Internet Service Provider has requested that you change the Domain Name Server (DNS) Information currently listed as authoritative for your domain name, you will need to fill out an send a modification request.
What is an IP Address?
An IP Address is a numerical address on the Internet, which allows you to locate a specific computer or Web site. Every machine on the Internet has a unique, numerical assignment that allows computers and hosts on the Internet to locate it (For example: Usually, if a machine does not have an IP Address, it is not officially available on the Internet.
How do I change or 'connect' my domain name to an IP Address of a server?
Your web hosting company or ISP will provide you with the appropriate DNS server name and IP address. Just fill out a modification request to change the DNS server, which will then map your domain name to an IP address. You cannot change the IP address of a domain or nameserver through Nic.LC. Only the sponsoring organization for that DNS nameserver can change the IP address.
What is a DNS (Domain Name Server)?
A DNS (Domain Name Server) is a computer connected to the Internet that is responsible for distributing your domain name's zone file information, which translates your domain name into an IP Address and specifies the mail server(s) responsible for email distribution for your domain name. This allows people to connect to your domain using the name rather than the numerical address (IP address).
What DNS servers are currently listed as authoritative for my domain name?
Upon registering your domain name, you should either have listed the correct primary and secondary nameserver(s) or Nic.LC will supply them. You can perform a domain name search to find out what DNS servers are currently listed.
If I sign up for web hosting services, will I need to change the DNS servers listed as authoritative for my domain name?
Web Hosting companies may require that you change your DNS Information when you contract web hosting services.
Do I need to own or register a DNS server?
You do not need to register or own your own DNS (Domain Name Server) in order to register a domain name or to sign up for email or web hosting services.
How do I register a DNS (Domain Name Server) on the Internet?
In the same way that a domain name must be registered with a central registry to be recognized on the Internet, Domain Name Servers (DNS) must also be registered with a central registry. Nic.LC only registers .lc nameservers. To register a nameserver, please contact the registry for the domain name of the server that you wish to register. For example, to register a .com, or .net nameserver, contact Network Solutions. To register a ccTLD nameserver, contact the ccTLD registry.
Note: You must actually have a DNS in operation at a dedicated and unique IP Address in order for the DNS server registration to be completed.
Who do I contact for additional assistance?
If you have other questions or need
information that is not contained above, click here.