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Nic LC Launches SUNRISE Period


May 28, 2007. Nic LC announces a SUNRISE period designed to allow Trademark Owners and Intellectual Property (IP) owners to register their domain names.

The SUNRISE period, which will extend until June 30, 2007, will allow all Trademark owners and IP owners to reserve and/or register their marks and Intellectual property in the .lc registry prior to the full opening up of the registry to worldwide registrations.

During this period, the .lc Registry will only accept requests for registrations from non-trademark and non-IP owners that either appear to be non-IP and non-TradeMarks, or that seem to belong to the registrant. All requests for registrations that appear to be similar or identical to existing well known marks will be denied.

During this period, domain names may not actually be added to the zonefiles, and each applicant will be directly informed of the status of its application.

During the Sunrise Period, if there is more than one application for the same domain name, the domain name allocation priority will be as follows:

  1. Holders of Registered Trade Marks or Intellectual Property (for their marks only).
  2. Saint Lucian Ministries/Government Departments/Statutory Bodies.
  3. Existing domain name registrants who applied for the same domain name in another extension.
  4. New applicants, and where there are multiple applicants, to the first applicant.

There are no restrictions on the number of domain names that can be registered or reserved during this period.

Full opening of the .lc Registry will take place on July 1, 2007, during which time registrations will be accepted from anyone for any available domain name on a "first-come", "first-serve" basis (unless denied for violation of registry policies).



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